C day 1 & 2 over with!!
My day started off yesterday very early, I arrived at the hospital at 7am for the placement of a port. The port is where I receive the IV chemo drugs. It’s a pretty nifty device….although the surgery to get it done was not so nifty!!
First the surgery tech had to scrub the whole right side of my neck and chest. This tickled so much I filled the room with uncontrollable laughter! This went on for about 5mins and I was sure I was going to pee my pants. The Tech has never had anyone react that way usually they complain. The laughter stopped there!
I got one dose of pain killers and nurse says to me “okay you’re going to get sleepy, just let yourself go.” I did not feel one bit sleepy, I was still wide awake. I felt them give me local numbing drugs where the port was going to be inserted. This local shot hurt and burned so bad. They did forewarn me. While they placed the port I could feel them poking away at me, slicing me open and putting things in. I kept saying OUCH!! And OHHHH!! And WOOOWWEEE! So they gave me more pain killer in the IV and still nothing, I was wide awake and could feel everything. The Surgeon and the tech were talking away and I put myself right into their conversation. Later I found out I’m the first patient they have ever worked on that was awake, talking and feeling during the whole procedure. The nurse told me they couldn’t give me any more pain meds because my blood pressure was too low….what a crock of shit! Next time I’m demanding more drugs!
What is a port? It’s a small device that connects to a catheter and placed under the skin. The cathader then runs into a blood vessel. When they took the bandages off you can’t even tell that I have anything there. I have 2 cuts where they inserted the thing and then a little hole that the IV needle goes into. When I’m not hooked up to the drugs I can shower and swim and do everything I don’t even have to keep it covered!
My day started off yesterday very early, I arrived at the hospital at 7am for the placement of a port. The port is where I receive the IV chemo drugs. It’s a pretty nifty device….although the surgery to get it done was not so nifty!!
First the surgery tech had to scrub the whole right side of my neck and chest. This tickled so much I filled the room with uncontrollable laughter! This went on for about 5mins and I was sure I was going to pee my pants. The Tech has never had anyone react that way usually they complain. The laughter stopped there!
I got one dose of pain killers and nurse says to me “okay you’re going to get sleepy, just let yourself go.” I did not feel one bit sleepy, I was still wide awake. I felt them give me local numbing drugs where the port was going to be inserted. This local shot hurt and burned so bad. They did forewarn me. While they placed the port I could feel them poking away at me, slicing me open and putting things in. I kept saying OUCH!! And OHHHH!! And WOOOWWEEE! So they gave me more pain killer in the IV and still nothing, I was wide awake and could feel everything. The Surgeon and the tech were talking away and I put myself right into their conversation. Later I found out I’m the first patient they have ever worked on that was awake, talking and feeling during the whole procedure. The nurse told me they couldn’t give me any more pain meds because my blood pressure was too low….what a crock of shit! Next time I’m demanding more drugs!
What is a port? It’s a small device that connects to a catheter and placed under the skin. The cathader then runs into a blood vessel. When they took the bandages off you can’t even tell that I have anything there. I have 2 cuts where they inserted the thing and then a little hole that the IV needle goes into. When I’m not hooked up to the drugs I can shower and swim and do everything I don’t even have to keep it covered!

This is where my port is placed
This show how the port is used. A neddle is put directly into the port an injects the chemo drugs that then flow through the catheter into my blood stream.
I’m pretty sure my port is purple!! The hospital gave me all kinds of info on the port and all the pictures show a purple port…so I’m going to go on believing that my port is my favorite color purple! My friends helped me name the port Portia. LOL! I love it!
Chemo Day 1
So after that was all done, I went into the doctor’s office for my first chemo treatment. Dr. A sat with me for a bit first and we talked a little. He told me to stop taking my iron pills because I received an “elephant dose” of iron through IV on Friday. Lionel asked him to repeat himself cause he wasn’t sure at first what he said...”an elephant dose of iron”…LOL…we’re not used to Dr. A making jokes!!!
Then I started on the chemo drip….first I got an anti-nausea med, and then the 1st chemo drug for about an 90mins, then I got a 2nd chemo drug for another 90mins, followed by a 3rd chemo drug that was given to me in a pump to take home. I was on this 3rd drug for 24 hours. The pump is in a little fanny pack I wear around my waist and hooks right into the port in my chest. The nurses showed me how to work the machine and it seems pretty simple. Could this be payback for making fun of my mom for wearing fanny packs while we went on family vacations LOL!! My friends that helped me name Portia also helped me name the pump Flo. So I have 2 new cancer accomplices Portia and Flo! LOL
Chemo was pretty uneventful, I think poor Lionel was bored, but I’m glad he had his PSP to play video games on. I didn’t nap either, the bad programming on tv was way to interesting! LOL, I never get to watch the crap that’s on in the afternoon.
After chemo I went to my mom’s house and she made dinner for me. Then she took me to a Cancer Support group at the hospital. This was my 2nd time going, and it was really important to me to go. I know there are days when cancer is going to get me down and out and have power over me. But yesterday I had the power and I was going to use it to its full advantage!
The one really really really really really really crappy part about yesterday is that Garrett got sick and was throwing up flem at school and daycare. My mom picked him up early from daycare and took him home. I got to see him for a little bit, but then he went to my grandparent’s house so that my aunt could care for him. I wish he could be home with me. I want to care for my sick baby…..but I can’t run the risk of getting sick right now either. This part totally sucks! Gotta be the worst part so far; not being able to take care of my baby. I am tearing up just thinking about it.
Today (4/7) was chemo day 2
This morning I drove to the pharmacy to pick up some meds and then took some lunch home. After I ate lunch the pill taking started I took a total of 10 pills: 1 anti nausea, 6 steroids and 3 chemo pills. This pill count will last for another 6 days and then I get 6 days of a “pill vacation.” My chemo pills come with a laundry list of foods I can’t eat, including chocolate…how in the world am I supposed to stay away from chocolate? That’s crazyness!!!
My dad took me to my chemo treatment this afternoon, it took about another 90mins. Again it was pretty uneventful; I hope ALL treatments and everything else stay this uneventful! Tomorrow is Chemo day 3 and should take another 90mins.
So after that was all done, I went into the doctor’s office for my first chemo treatment. Dr. A sat with me for a bit first and we talked a little. He told me to stop taking my iron pills because I received an “elephant dose” of iron through IV on Friday. Lionel asked him to repeat himself cause he wasn’t sure at first what he said...”an elephant dose of iron”…LOL…we’re not used to Dr. A making jokes!!!
Then I started on the chemo drip….first I got an anti-nausea med, and then the 1st chemo drug for about an 90mins, then I got a 2nd chemo drug for another 90mins, followed by a 3rd chemo drug that was given to me in a pump to take home. I was on this 3rd drug for 24 hours. The pump is in a little fanny pack I wear around my waist and hooks right into the port in my chest. The nurses showed me how to work the machine and it seems pretty simple. Could this be payback for making fun of my mom for wearing fanny packs while we went on family vacations LOL!! My friends that helped me name Portia also helped me name the pump Flo. So I have 2 new cancer accomplices Portia and Flo! LOL
Chemo was pretty uneventful, I think poor Lionel was bored, but I’m glad he had his PSP to play video games on. I didn’t nap either, the bad programming on tv was way to interesting! LOL, I never get to watch the crap that’s on in the afternoon.
After chemo I went to my mom’s house and she made dinner for me. Then she took me to a Cancer Support group at the hospital. This was my 2nd time going, and it was really important to me to go. I know there are days when cancer is going to get me down and out and have power over me. But yesterday I had the power and I was going to use it to its full advantage!
The one really really really really really really crappy part about yesterday is that Garrett got sick and was throwing up flem at school and daycare. My mom picked him up early from daycare and took him home. I got to see him for a little bit, but then he went to my grandparent’s house so that my aunt could care for him. I wish he could be home with me. I want to care for my sick baby…..but I can’t run the risk of getting sick right now either. This part totally sucks! Gotta be the worst part so far; not being able to take care of my baby. I am tearing up just thinking about it.
Today (4/7) was chemo day 2
This morning I drove to the pharmacy to pick up some meds and then took some lunch home. After I ate lunch the pill taking started I took a total of 10 pills: 1 anti nausea, 6 steroids and 3 chemo pills. This pill count will last for another 6 days and then I get 6 days of a “pill vacation.” My chemo pills come with a laundry list of foods I can’t eat, including chocolate…how in the world am I supposed to stay away from chocolate? That’s crazyness!!!
My dad took me to my chemo treatment this afternoon, it took about another 90mins. Again it was pretty uneventful; I hope ALL treatments and everything else stay this uneventful! Tomorrow is Chemo day 3 and should take another 90mins.
As I walked to the restroom at the dr's office today I ran into Dr. A. I made a funny face at him and he laughed! I'm getting better at getting Dr. A to laugh. I think he could use some more laughter in his life and I'm here to provide it!
A little bit more about my treatments
A little bit more about my treatments
I’m on BEACOPP and we are starting with 4 aggressive treatments, each treatment takes 2 weeks. I don’t get every drug everyday either. It’s all stretched out. So this week and next week will complete treatment 1, then the following week the cycle will start over starting treatment 2. I don’t get any time off between treatments unless I flunk my blood test and we really don’t want that to happen!
Garrett, Lionel and I had a great family day last Saturday at the Kemah board walk. Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!
Garrett, Lionel and I had a great family day last Saturday at the Kemah board walk. Here are a few pictures. Enjoy!

Garrett and I with Sharky

I would like to knock Sponge Bob silly!

Garrett's fishy face
Having to wear a fanny pack is way too harsh of punishment for anything! I know even these procedures that seem to be simple and high tech can be painful and exhausting but at least it will make it easier and cleaner to get your IV's. thats crazy you were awake through it wierdo! i have this picture of you just carrying along with them as they were doing your surgery. You should keep making Dr. A laugh and all the others too! Your ability to stay so level headed has always been something i admired about you. Your attitude through this has been so impressive and it is going to be the key to keeping your head up so let me know what i can do to help. ... If you need to me to commit to not eating chocolate until you can then i will... now that is some serious love!!!! thanks for keeping up with the blog and keeping everyone informed.
No not a fanny pack! If they make you sport a speedo then they're definately trying to lessen your cool factor! Maybe you can bedazzle it or something?
Glad things went well. I'll be checking back with the blog when we return Monday. Proud to be a member of da club... da fucancer club that is.
so jealous you get a Portia!! and a purple one too....tsk. well i'm so glad you've been ok so far - keep us posted on how it's going. i'm not looking forward to my next one tomorrow (EEK) but hopefully the anti-nausea drugs will work better this time! :D and i will get some more food pics up for you soon my dear! xx
Also I'm confused - why do we get different treatments for the same disease? it's because i'm English isn't it??!?!
thanks for keeping us informed of this journey. I feel like I'm learning so much about all this because I didn't know anything before. Just being able to come to the blog and read about all this is great! Love ya D. Keep up the good work with making Dr. A laugh and keep up the good attitude while you kick cancer's butt!
Oh man a fanny pack! You should wear black socks up to your knees as well and a visor! LOL
I truly admire your courage and spirit!!! You are one strong chica!
BTW Portia and Flo sound like a rap group! LOL
from papi chuy:
Me Agrado mucho tener a Garrett en casa mi bisnieto es muy especial me dio las grasias por unas cosas que ledi y la pasamos muy vien toda la tarde me doy cuenta que no puedes comer chocolates pero es pasajero yo te boy hacer algo espesial para el dia que lo puedas
comer y tus enchiladas rojas.
mamiKika y Papi CHUY.
I'm sorry your port insertion hurt! "Twilight" sleep NEVER works for me either. I'm either wide awake for procedures, or have to go under completely with general anesthesia. Hopefully the next time around they are able to get you to sleep. I'm rooting for you.
Thanks for sharing all this -- I love getting to be a part of your walk with cancer. You are so brave and I am in awe! I think about you often, and pray for you to keep your high spirits. And I will get the shuffle with the book I talked about to you soon!
If anyone can wear a fanny pack and look stylish, it would definitely be you.
As you know, I have always found you an amazing person, but reading your blog has really raised the bar off the chart. Thank you so very much for sharing your journey, you are such an inspiration and life skills mentor to not only me but also my girls. Keep up the fight and know we are holding you close in our thoughts and prayers.
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